Dear Senator Chamblis,
We have just one question for you.
Why do you hate America, and the Constitution?
Your recent statement to just ‘pass the FISA Amendments bill reauthorisation’ was a complete slap to the Constitution, your oath of office, and to what America stands for. So, can we expect you to start undertaking your responsibilities of office, or will you step down, and stop pocketing the money for a job you clearly only have so that you can destroy this country.
In case you were unaware, that little thing you can’t be bothered reading about (despite being paid $174,000/year to do it) is about a special power given to the Government supposedly to deal with terrorism. In reality it’s been very rarely used, and is part of a wider series of bills that were passed in a blind panic of fear over the last 10 years. Let’s face facts; terrorism is a very minor problem, that has been manufactured into an issue far beyond its real impact.
Over the last 15 years there have been twice as many deaths due to the weather as due to terrorism involving a US citizen worldwide; funding for NOAA hasn’t been increased but we’ve had a whole new government agency – the TSA – come in to destroy the basic tenets of the Constitution and massively intrude on the citizens of this country, all with your approval. There were more people killed on US roads in September 2001, than were killed on 9/11; and similar numbers every month since, yet there has been no massive influx of spending on improving US roads, or requiring a stricter driving test.
Over the last 10 years there have been 3 actual ‘attacks’, all stopped by citizens, while 50+ other ones, stopped by the TSA and FBI has to be mainly underwritten by these same agencies to begin with.
There was strong evidence that the NSA broke the law in several cases, along with telecom companies. It led to the FISA Amendments Act in 2008, where you gave retroactive immunity to those companies that spied on Americans, illegally. That was wrong. You did it anyway. You showed your disregard for the American people by eliminating checks and balances, and by denying anyone redress against the Government, in violation of the Constitution.
There is no provision in law that says ‘you can break the law, but if you say you did it for the public good, it’s ok and you’re forgiven’. The law is the law. By placing agencies of the government above the law, where they cannot be challenged by the citizens, then you have not only failed in your sworn duty to your Constituents of Georgia, you’ve actively conspired against it, and there’s a word for that; Treason.
You know all this, because you’re Vice chair of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. If you don’t know all this, then you’re not just anti-American, you’re flat-out incompetent as well.
Over the last week, there has been Plenty of talk about gun control, and I’m sure you’re champing at the bit to oppose it on the grounds of ‘the second amendment’, especially when the NRA is (falsely) suggesting a link between video games and movies, and suggesting curbing that (1st Amendment issue) and putting armed guards in schools (4th Amendment risk) to keep their 2nd amendment going, despite the lack of evidence that this would do anything as proposed.
Now we come to this FISA Amendment re-authorisation, which you want to punt on, rather than deal with through proper factual debate. That's not good, not is it keeping to what is expected of you in your job description or oath of office.. In case you’d forgotten your oath of office, here it is.
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.
This act defecates on it. It makes a mockery of the 4th Amendment, by allowing a search without probable cause. It makes a mockery of the 6th amendment, by not allowing confrontation of witnesses, or a speedy public trial, because of claims of ‘state secrets’. With these provisions, it makes any case brought under these laws at BEST questionable under, and at worst in violation of, the 5th Amendment. All the while, it also violates the 14th Amendment, by denying equal protection. When people are free to break the law, and given retroactive immunity, or prevented from taking a case to court to enforce their constitutional rights, then that’s not equal protection under the law.
So by all means, support the re-authorisation, or deem it unimportant. But realise that when a Senator shows such little regard for a law that violates four different constitutional protections, then your fitness to be considered American is in question, much less your status as Senator. So if you feel you can’t abide by the terms of your oath, and by the Constitution, I invite you to step-down, and leave the job to someone who will serve the people of Georgia, and America as a whole, in a manner they would expect.
In short, it’s time to decide where your loyalties lay, Senator Chambliss. Do they lie with the American people, or do they lie with those mandarins in the civil service who your oath of office would show to be a domestic enemy. The time to choose is now, and we await your decision forthwith.
The Pirate Party of Georgia.
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