Monday, October 7, 2013

The Shutdown is NOT Working for Republicans.

For Republicans in Congress I have this little tidbit to offer. Give it up, it’s not working.

The idea of shutting down the government to protect your principles seems like a nice idea, but it’s not working out for you. For a start, it actually goes against your principles, in that it’s harming the economy you profess to be protecting, but that’s neither here nor there is it?

Friday, June 7, 2013

How important is liberty to you?

First off what is Liberty?
Among other things:
a : the power to do as one pleases
b : freedom from physical restraint
c : freedom from arbitrary or despotic control
d : the positive enjoyment of various social, political, or economic rights and privileges
e : the power of choice

Patrick Henry is quoted as saying "Give me liberty, or give me death!" He very well knew how important liberty to people. In recent years our leaders has fallen victim to the idea of "safety" over freedom. Keep in mind this has not been just a recent fault, in WW2 we unjustly put countless asian americans in camps. Throughout the Cold War (with the wars within it, Vietnam for example) a number of americans were investigated and or shunned for fear that they have ideals of other countries.  

With the war on terror citizens have had their freedoms ripped away from them since 2001, the war on drugs has imprisoned and ruined the lives of countless people since 1941, not to mention it has wasted billions of dollars and has been very unsuccessful

Currently the government (and organizations such as the MPAA and RIAA pushing bills like SOPA) has been pushing to increase (not start) spying on americans with various methods (drones for example). In a lot of ways our government has gotten so comfortable with spying on citizens that they are not even making an effort to hide the fact that it happens. What's worse about the new ways of spying is that it's not limited to people that are suspected of crimes but instead spying on EVERYONE!

As technology advances the ability of the government to spy and reduce our freedom increases. As citizens we must each take part in ensuring that our government goes back to the mindset of liberty or death because each year we wait and the more liberties we lose the harder it will be to gain them back. Please take time to become at least a little ative in whatever political party you stand behind and always look at every bill with a sceptical mindset and say to yourself "what are the adverse effects of this bill?" and if the answer is ever losing a freedom, it's not worth it and do whatever it takes to make sure that it is not approved!

Friday, May 31, 2013

Offline meeting

We are working on having an offline meeting somewhere in the state, if you can go please comment here or answer the question on facebook

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The South Should Not Be Synonymous With Stupidity

Dear elected representatives of the “South”, at all levels,

Please, do every one of your constituents a favor and the next time you go to speak, stop and think “Am I about to say something stupid?” If the answer is anything other than “No, and I can cite you independent and peer-reviewed evidence to back my statement” then please, KEEP your mouth shut.

Barely a week goes by without some politician from the south running his mouth off, making the region, and by implication those who live here, look foolish and stupid. If you’re not doing that, you’re showing yourselves to be hugely hypocritical, corrupt, or otherwise the scum of society.

We are tired of it.

When you make absurd statements without a shred of factual proof, when you abuse your position to attack people needlessly, when you openly embrace bigotry and hatred for no reason except political expedience, when you pointlessly and repetitively undertake pointless votes on issues for appearances sake while ignoring real issues, you are no better than a primate in a zoo, flinging excrement on us.

Your pleasant and well-compensated lifestyle comes from the public purse. We pay you to represent our interests, at the local, state or Federal level. If we wanted a buffoon parroting abuse and nonsense, the job would ask for a “Jester with Tourette’s”.

If you feel incapable of leaving your personal bigotry, religious beliefs, and general nuttiness in your own home, then by all means embrace it at home, and give up the job you are incapable of doing.

We’re tired of being the butt of other people’s snide comments; the joke “those people are so dumb they elected YOU” is wearing thin. Right now, if someone thinks about the South, they're likely to think of ignorant fools, inbreeding between guzzling moonshine, lynching people for not being 'Godly' enough, and caressing the one thing that's more important than anything else - guns.

And that is all your doing.

So the choice is yours. Grow up, start being responsible to more than a few lobby groups, and do the job you claimed to be capable of doing. Or be an adult, admit you can’t do it, and quit, so someone competent CAN.

The Pirate Party of Georgia
The Pirate Party of Florida
The Pirate Party of Oklahoma

Friday, April 26, 2013

Response from Paul Broun (GA-10) on CISPA

Today I received, from a source, a letter from Congressman Paul Broun detailing why he voted NO on CISPA last week. It was in response to a plea from that source, a constituent of his, to vote against it.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Tennessee's Primary Idea Shows the Right Direction

A highly publicized bill in Tennessee has drawn a lot of comment nationwide over its attempt to eliminate primary elections for Senate seats. Instead the party caucuses State Legislature would pick the candidates. Understandably, it’s drawn the ire of people claiming it’s ‘anti-democratic’, and has, for now, been shelved.

However, it’s not the worst idea of them. Frankly, when I first got involved with politics, the primary election was one of the biggest surprises of the lot. A publicly funded election to decide who a political party would put up for election; that just doesn’t seem right I thought. These people are running a public campaign to elect them, not to office, but for the chance to run for office? That’s ridiculous.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Scalia Hints at End for USA PATRIOT Act

During oral arguments over the Voting Rights Act, Justice Scalia indicated that there might be a justification for getting rid of the USA Patriot Act. During Oral arguments at the Supreme Court over the much lauded Voting Rights Act, hints were dropped as to how the wildly unpopular and overreaching anti-terrorist act could be dropped in a face-saving manner.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Cory Doctorow talking about the Pirate Party

Cory Doctorow talking about the Pirate Party, Liquid Democracy and No Safe Harbor at the Decatur library

Talk and Q/A

Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Absurd (Unconstitutional) Photo Manipulation Bill

If you are following us on Facebook or Twitter (and if not, why not?), you’ll notice we posted two news stories about the Georgia state Government this past week. One was on a broadband limitation bill, and the other relates to online photo manipulation.

Our response to the broadband bill was published yesterday, but the response to the photo-manipulation bill requires more detail than a simple press release can convey.

As you can probably guess, we’re obviously in opposition to this. It’s a clear example of tantrum-based legislation ("I don't like this, so it needs to be dealt with"), driven by a deep ignorance of the fundamental laws of the United States, and the principles of which the country stands.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

[PR] PPGa Opposes Internet Investment Limiting Bill

For Immediate Release

The Pirate Party of Georgia categorically opposes HB282 and its attempts to cripple competition for the ingrained ISP’s and their currently woeful service.

The bill is an attempt to restrict the ability of local residents and their communities to provide services they feel they need because of poor commercial offerings.

In a nutshell, the bill says that After July 1st, anyone in a census block area where the National Broadband Map shows at least one provider offering a connection with at least 1.5Mbit in one direction, cannot implement any sort of municipal wifi or home broadband scheme.

It’s the worst sort of crony protectionism that is not in the interests of the people of Georgia. Instead it only seeks to line the pockets of the major incumbent ISPs.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

PPGA meeting three on 2/21/2013 9:30pm

We are to have another discussion  on 2/21/2013 at 9:30pm
Server: - port 6697 for SSL
Channel: #PPGA

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

PPGA Meeting

We are going to have a meeting on 2/7/2013 please login to the IRC at 9:30 PM est

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Going forward

Going forward I am requesting everyone that is interested in the Pirate Party to register with the US website. Due to lack of progress in Georgia with the party I am going redirect the website to the USPP website. I am very sorry that this project never came to fruition, other states seem to have much better progress and things on the national level are improving as well.

We are working on seeing if we can continue the party, please join the email list and the facebook page and let us know what you can do for us if you want to be an active member!