Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Pirate Party? Please explain...

Points of Unity

  • We gather to change laws, not break them. 
  • We strive to use Copyright law to promote progress. 
  • We strive for more privacy and less invasion of it by government and private business. 
  • We aim for a Patent system that rewards innovation.

Wikipedia - USPP - Wikipedia has a pretty good breakdown of the history of the party in the United States.
USPP WIKI - FAQ - Basic info about the party.
USPP WIKI - Local Party Organization - Want to start a party in your region, read this.
USPP WIKI - Library - Books and other media that you may find of interest. 
If you want to get involved please like us on Facebook and/or make a comment here.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Pirate Party of Georgia, it has to start somewhere!

After spending some time on the official wiki for the Pirate Party I noticed that Georgia doesn't have a Pirate Party. With the changes over the years abroad and within the United States now more than ever is it important to have such a party. Years ago the DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) was put into effect and some good has come with it, but with changes over the years new problems have come due to it. Currently new laws such has SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act)  and Protect IP are being proposed that can and will change our lives for the worse!

Join me on here, and social networking sites (google+, facebook, and twitter pages are already setup) to help create and expand the Pirate Party of Georiga and the United States